

本网站包含1934年证券交易法意义上的“前瞻性”陈述, 修订的, 以及1995年的《mg游戏官网点此进入》. 这些陈述涉及, 除此之外, 收入, 收益, 现金流, 操作变化, 操作的改进, 环境解决方案集团(ESG)公司运营的行业和美国.S. 以及全球经济. 本新闻稿中不具有历史意义的陈述可以用“预期”等词或短语表示,”“预计,”“相信,“”表示,”“显示,”“会,”“计划,”“支持,”“项目,”“应该,”“会,”“可以,”“希望,“预测”和“管理”是意见,使用将来时和类似的单词或短语. 前瞻性陈述受固有风险和不确定性的影响,这些风险和不确定性可能导致实际结果与当前预期存在重大差异, 包括, 但不限于, 全球经济和主权信用状况, especially in Europe; political events that could impact the worldwide economy; the impact of natural disasters and their effect on global supply chains and energy markets; increases in the cost of raw materials; current economic conditions and uncertainties in the credit and capital markets; the Company’s ability to achieve expected savings from integration, synergy and other cost-control initiatives; the ability to identify and successfully consummate value-adding acquisition opportunities; increased competition and pricing pressures in the markets served by ESG’s operating companies; the ability of ESG’s companies to expand into new geographic markets and to anticipate and meet customer demands for new products and product enhancements; changes in customer demand; the impact of loss of a single-source manufacturing facility; a downgrade in ESG’s credit ratings; international economic conditions 包括 interest rate and currency exchange rate fluctuations; the relative mix of products and services which impacts margins and operating efficiencies; short-term capacity constraints; domestic and foreign governmental and public policy changes 包括 environmental regulations and tax policies (包括 domestic and international export subsidy programs, R&E credits and other similar programs); unforeseen developments in contingencies such as litigation; protection and validity of patent and other intellectual property rights; the cyclical nature of some of ESG’s companies; domestic housing industry weakness; instability in countries where ESG conducts business; and possible future terrorist threats and their effect on the worldwide economy. ESG请您参考其不时向美国证券交易委员会提交的文件, 比如在10-K表格上的报告, 表格10-Q和表格8-K, 讨论这些和其他风险和不确定性,这些风险和不确定性可能导致其实际结果与当前预期和本新闻稿中包含的前瞻性陈述存在重大差异. ESG不承担更新任何前瞻性声明的义务.


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